Monday, March 12, 2012

Daylight Savings Time Proposal

Ah, Daylight Savings Time, Spring Forward!  Sounds so cheery and exciting!  Another hour of daylight!  Spring is on the way!   You're not fooling me with those euphemisms.  

I get the whole 365 1/4 days length of a year and the scientific explanation of this phenomenon.  I get the necessity of "springing the clocks forward."  And, at some point, I love having the extra light to play outside when we get home from school. (Ain't doing me any favors today with rain pouring down, battering our windows).  What I don't get is why the work day following Daylight Savings Time is not a national holiday or at least recognized as a day that everyone may come in late to work and school.

I'll just say it, I'm exhausted.  "Drive-through-McDonald's-and-get-an-extra-large-fountain-Coke-for-caffeine" exhausted.  My kids will be drop dead exhausted when they wake up this morning.  Anyone who knows the Traber kids knows that being tired, even one little bit, equals a whole lot of trouble.  This is the one day of the year in which I cringe when my alarm goes off.  My brain thinks, "Alarm clock, ya ain't foolin' me.  I know you say 5:30, but I know its really 4:30," and my body rolls back over and grumps.  Never mind that my kids went to bed at the same time, but it was really an hour later.  Seriously?!  Someone REAAAAALLLY didn't think this one through when they thought up this calendar.

I think after I finish this post (and pull the Scotch tape off my eyelids to keep them open), I'm going to write President Obama, my representatives, and senators to see if anyone would consider my proposal.  Perhaps a National Half Day of Work.  Better yet, a whole day off of work for everyone!  What's more American than allowing our work force one day for bodies to adjust to the shifting time!? Who's with me on this?

Time for a cold shower to stimulate my brain cells and get this body moving. . . . 


  1. Great proposal idea:-) I was thinking yesterday that we should do this in 5 minute increments over 12 days. We would move the clocks forward 5 minutes per day for 12 days and by the end of 12 days, we'd have our hour. BTW, I am loving your blog:-)

  2. Oh, I so agree! The absolute best part? My state decided this was a WONDERFUL week to set up our state testing window. Seriously?? Thankfully, sane heads prevailed and my building is starting testing tomorrow, not today. But still!

  3. Love this post and I love Franki's idea of a gradual springing (maybe plodding?) forward!

  4. LOVE the day off work proposal! :-) It was certainly a chore to draaaaaaaag myself out of bed this morning, and I couldn't figure out why it was so much worse than usual until I got in the car. I hadn't changed the car clock and it said "6:45" instead of "7:45". Groan. THAT was why it was such a rough morning!

  5. You are cracking me up... very funny piece. I do not think the Traber kids were alone in this today - several of my little sweethearts needed more sleep! Get some rest!

  6. This is so true...I can identify with your thinking here! I think it was especially hard for us because we played so hard outside yesterday since it was such a beautiful day!

  7. All week long I'll be thinking, it's really (fill in blank time) right now.

  8. You get the petition and I'll sign it. I hate the dark in the morning now. Grrr... yawn!

  9. Right on! This is the killer time change. It is hard on everyone!

  10. Aye! Aye! I fully agree with your well stated proposal!

  11. SO with you on this proposal! I was already beat from the conference and then to come home just in time to lose that hour ... I was dragging today. I'll sign your petition!

  12. I would definitely sign the petition for that proposal!! Felt the same way. There hasn't been enough caffeine to get me through the days this week.
