Saturday, March 31, 2012

A Month of Slicing, A Month of Living

Looking back through my month of slicing, I see the patches of events and feelings that make up the multi-colored quilt of March.   All captured in my words, frozen in time forever.  My family celebrated another year in the life of one family member and said goodbye to another.  We reveled in another day of life with sunshine and rainbows and clung tightly to one another through rain and thunder.  I reflected on great loves in my life and mourned lost opportunities.  And, within the walls of my classroom, we all learned more about living the life of a writer and realized how our words and actions define us.  Ultimately they reflect who we are and who we wish to become.  

Living the life of a writer has helped me to gain insight into my students.  I now remember how hard it is to just write.  But, it pushed me to dig deep inside and find what was really important to me.  I can also see that the words I capture on paper define who I am for the fleeting amounts of time it takes me to compose. I can redefine myself with just a few keystrokes.  Most importantly, I was reminded that, like life, writing is hard.  But essential.  I found stories everywhere, and I discovered that I was experiencing the moments more deeply.  I was seeing the world around me through the lens of a writer.  And, I can say that I don't remember feeling more alive than I did this month.  Who knew that a simple blog with black and white words marching across the pages could become my lifeline to living more deeply and fully? 

Let's celebrate a month of slicing with our old friend March, and welcome in our new friend, April.  Oh, and see ya on Tuesday, slicers.  


  1. I'm so glad you are planning to continue slicing on Tuesdays! You will love it! :-) I've enjoyed re-connecting with you through your blog. (Sorry I haven't visited more -- there were just soooo many to choose from!) I meant to tell you that the day you wrote about rainbows, my husband and I went for a walk that evening and saw a rainbow too! Congrats on beginning to live in a writerly way!

  2. You captured the power of words well, "Who knew that a simple blog with black and white words marching across the pages could become my lifeline to living more deeply and fully?" This year I have been noticing the power of scrapbooking the everyday moments. It has been a great complement to the moments I capture blogging and a great supplement to my regular scrapbooks.

  3. It's interesting to look back on the month and see the "sunshine and rainbows" along with the "rain and thunder." How many of those moments would be lost forever? The slice of life helps me preserve pieces of my life and thoughts. See you Tuesday.

  4. Your slices have been amazing to read throughout the month, Kelli! Thanks so much for your honest posts, the good and the bad. You wrote so many slices I enjoyed, but one of my chuckle out loud favorites was when you were sneaking your cookies in the middle of the night. Thanks for all your writing; my writing was lifted up because of yours.

  5. Hi Kelli, hope you are feeling better! I think the key is that you were willing to really dig deep and your gift for telling your story. Keep writing my friend and we'll keep reading. You brought us joy and tears, you can touch with your words, truly.
